Kohlrabi: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!
Kohlrabi is not only a super healthy vegetable, but it’s also easy to grow! Its unique look will add beauty to your garden as well.
Kohlrabi is not only a super healthy vegetable, but it’s also easy to grow! Its unique look will add beauty to your garden as well.
Tomatoes are fun to grow and even more fun to eat! The wide usage of tomatoes makes this one of our favorite things to grow in the garden. Vining tomatoes (or indeterminate tomatoes) grow indefinitely until it freezes. Because of this, they require trellising on a tall support structure. Beware of the tomato hornworm, though. He is a fiesty fellow that can take out an entire tomato plant in a day!
Tomatoes are fun to grow and even more fun to eat! The wide usage of tomatoes makes this one of our favorite things to grow in the garden. Bush tomatoes (or determinate tomatoes) only grow to 3 or 4 feet tall, but they bush out and require caging. Beware of the tomato hornworm, though. He is a feisty fellow that can take out an entire tomato plant in a day!
Tomatillos are also called a husk tomato or green tomato due to their appearance. They have a dry, green cover outside of the fruit. These plants grow very similarly to its relative the tomato. If planting tomatillos, make sure to plant at least 2 plants so they can pollinate each other.
Bok Choy (also sometimes called Chinese Cabbage) is a cool weather vegetable that can be grown to harvest in spring and fall. It does not grow into a head and has beautiful large, dark green leaves.
Cauliflower isn’t something that we normally grow because it can be challenging, especially with our crazy Oklahoma weather conditions. If you’re up to the challenge, however, there’s nothing like home-grown cauliflower! Cabbage worms also love cauliflower, but they’re easy to manage.
Chives are are one of the easiest plants to grow, and we enjoy them so much! Not only do chives taste wonderful as an addition to many meals, but they also add a unique look to your backyard and container garden and can help with pest prevention.
Artichokes are a perennial that does best in an environment with cool summer temperatures and mild winters, but can be grown in any environment. They not only provide artichokes, but also add beauty and color to your garden! They are commonly grown for ornamental purposes since their flowers add such beauty! Once they are established they will need very little care.
Cabbage takes up a lot of space in the garden, but it’s very easy to grow and stores longer than most vegetables. Cabbage worms, as their name implies, love cabbage as much as we do; however, they’re easy to manage!
Onions are a fantastic addition to any garden! We use onions in almost all of our meals, usually sauteed with garlic. We also use the green tops to add a little extra flavor to mashed potatoes, soups, eggs, nachos, and much more!