Who We Are

Hi, we’re Dale, Carrie & family, the creators of the From Seed to Spoon app!
We started converting our backyard from an urban lawn into a food farm in 2015 and it completely changed our lives! I (Dale) have fought anxiety and depression throughout my life and gardening / eating food from the garden gave me relief from panic attacks for the first time.
Growing your own food doesn’t have to be difficult and we’re here to show how you can grow your own organic produce economically, efficiently, and sustainably!
You can keep up with current developments on our blog. You can also sign up for email notifications when we post new videos, blog posts, and events and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube for daily updates from our farm!.
NEW: From Seed to Spoon School Garden Program!
If you’re a teacher passionate about teaching kids where their food comes from and how to grow it themselves, then you’ll be thrilled to hear about the From Seed to Spoon School Garden program. This exciting initiative offers a one-year premium access to their app’s features, including unlimited access to…
Peppers 🫑 & Tomatoes 🍅 NOT PRODUCING??? Here’s Why & How to FIX IT!
There are many reasons why your pepper and tomato plants may not be producing as much fruit as they were earlier in the season. Even something as simple as this extreme heat that we are experiencing right now could have a significant impact on them!
Check out this video where Carrie goes over the common causes of your pepper and tomato plants not producing as much fruit and some solutions to help!
Introducing the Newest Member of the From Seed to Spoon Family!
Introducing the newest member of the From Seed to Spoon family, Ellie! She will be joining me on many of our videos I’m sure as we do lots of gardening together! 🙂
Hang out with Carrie in this video as she discusses the many ways to go about both preventing squash vine borers and treating your squash plants once you have an issue.
Podcast: Join Carrie & Dale in the Gardening Coast 2 Coast Podcast with CaliKim & Gary with the Rusted Garden
ary and CaliKim talk with Dale and Carrie Spoonemore, creators of the app From Seed to Spoon. Their gardens are in Oklahoma. Our conversation today is about helping decrease the very common anxiety associated with when to seed and plant your vegetables in the garden.
Podcast: Listen to Dale & Carrie Along with the CEO of Park Seed Talk About the From Seed to Spoon Mobile App & Growing Food on the “Flower Power Garden Hour” Podcast
Dale and Carrie, along with Kelly, the CEO of Park Seed, had the pleasure of joining Marlene from the “Flower Power Garden Hour” podcast to chat a few weeks back.
Podcast: Listen to Dale & Carrie Talk About the From Seed to Spoon Mobile App and How & Why We Created it on the “The GREEN Organic Gardener” Podcast
Dale and Carrie had the pleasure of joining Jackie from the “GREEN Organic Gardener” podcast to chat a few weeks back.
A Message From Dale & Carrie About Our New Park Seed Acquisition!
We wanted to take a minute to say thank you for everyone that’s spoorted us along this journey!
We’ve Been Acquired By Park Seed & Will Be Working On Our App Full Time Now!
Park Seed announced it has acquired From Seed to Spoon, a Gardening Planning App that makes growing food easier. The acquisition enables Park Seed to support homesteaders, subsistence farmers, and home gardeners like never before through the creation and delivery of educational resources. The app taps a new well of digital services and creates turnkey access to products for existing app users.
Podcast: Listen to Dale & Carrie Talk About the From Seed to Spoon Mobile App and How & Why We Created it on the “Stitchcrew” Podcast
Dale and Carrie had the pleasure of joining Chris and Erika Lucas from the “Stitchcrew” podcast to chat a few weeks back. You can hear our conversation about what led to us growing food and how and why we built our app at the link below.
We’re a Family-Run Small Business, Not Some Large Corporation Out for Profit
We’re Dale & Carrie Spoonemore, the creators of From Seed to Spoon. Often times, people are surprised to find out that we’re just a family from Oklahoma trying to help people grow food and not some large corporation out for profit. Our goal at From Seed to Spoon is to…
The Past, Present & Future of From Seed to Spoon and Answering Some Of Your Most Common Questions!
We took some time to reintroduce ourselves and our mission here at From Seed to Spoon in a short video we recorded a few weeks ago. We also wanted to address some of the most common questions we’ve received about Garden+ including when it will become a paid feature, when…
Dale’s Story: How My Battle With Weight Loss, Anxiety & Depression Led to Finding Love & Growing Food!
This is Dale’s story about his battle with anxiety & depression, losing 120 pounds, being on the Rachael Ray show, falling in love with Carrie, why we started our garden, and how it’s all related to his pursuit of being more mindful and living with less anxiety!