Honeydew Melon: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!
This sweet, juicy fruit is tasty choice to add into your garden! Honeydew melons are very similar to cantaloupe, but have a pale-flesh.
This sweet, juicy fruit is tasty choice to add into your garden! Honeydew melons are very similar to cantaloupe, but have a pale-flesh.
Leaf-footed bugs are approximately 1 inch long, some with a white zigzag pattern on their wings. They have long legs similar to a cricket with an oval shaped body. They are recognizable by their hind legs which look leaf-like. They have piercing mouthparts which probe into plants to suck their juices. This can cause discoloration and damage to the plants.
Scales are super tiny insects that suck the sap from your plants weakening or killing your plant. They secrete a covering over their tiny body that resemble scales.
Join Dale at the Langston Plasticulture & Horticulture Conference! He will be speaking on Saturday, Feb 9 at 11am about therapeutic gardening!
Shallots can be used in almost all of your meals! Shallots are very similar to onions and add a flavor similar to green onions to your recipes. They are slightly smaller and tend to have more flavor than onions.
Leeks are very similar to onions and garlic, but you eat the stalk instead of the root. They are extremely nutritious!
Dale will be speaking on Thursday, January 24 at the Data + Creativity meetup about how we got started with From Seed to Spoon.
In partnership with the Myriad Gardens, we are hosting a class out at our urban garden to demonstrate how we plan, grow, and harvest organic produce economically, efficiently, and sustainably. Sample herbs, learn practical irrigation techniques and gain insight into functional designs for raised beds.
This sweet, juicy, fruit is one of our favorite summer treats. Watermelons can be difficult to grow (and protect from mice and other pests) and are time-consuming, but they are extremely rewarding at the end!
Whether you plan to use them for pickling or slicing, cucumbers are a great plant to start out your garden with. If you wait for the weather to warm up and give them good soil, full sun, and sufficient moisture, they’ll flourish! Pay attention for the cucumber beetle though, a yellow and black insect that looks like a ladybug.