Garden + Variety Type

How to Add a Custom Plant Variety in Your Garden Using Our Garden+ Tracking in Our From Seed to Spoon App!

Garden + is a great new feature to help you stay organized with all the plants in your garden electronically!

First step is to create your free account! Check out this post if you are having difficulties signing up.

Once you get logged in to your account, your screen will show an empty garden. You will select the “Add Plant to Garden” button. Check out this blog post with video to explain how to add a plant to your garden.

We’ve had a few people reach out asking about how to add the variety to their plant that they’ve added to their garden. Here are the steps for that:


Video: How to Start Growing Food in Your Backyard or Patio (Recorded Presentation)!

Here’s the recording of tonight’s free backyard gardening class at OSU-OKC Agriculture Technologies! Thank you to everyone that came out tonight. I also want to give a big shout out to OSU-OKC for allowing us to use their facilities. Sign up for our email list at if you’d like to know when we have another one! Please share our app with anyone you know that would like to grow food! You can learn more […]

Strawberries blog post

Strawberries: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Strawberries are one of our favorite things to grow! The sweetness and flavor in home-grown strawberries simply can’t be beaten! They’re easy to grow and will come back year after year and continue to spread. Strawberries are one of the few plants that we don’t even attempt to grow from seed. It takes up to three years for a plant to produce fruit, so it’s generally better to buy transplants from the nursery instead of starting from seed.

OKC Home + Garden Show Cooking Show

Video: Cooking a Whole Chicken, DIY Broth, & Fried Rice with Garden Vegetables @ Home + Garden Show

Dale & Carrie gave a cooking demonstration at the 2019 OKC Home + Garden Show and showed they make a whole chicken in an Instant Pot, then use that chicken to make broth. They also show how to make rice using the broth, ultimately resulting in a delicious chicken stir fry! See the full recipe: