Culantro blog post

Culantro (Puerto Rican Cilantro): How to Grow and When to Plant this Hot Weather Cilantro Alternative in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Culantro is a herb typically grown in tropical areas as a replacement for cilantro. Cilantro is one of our favorite herbs to use in cooking, but our growing season here in Oklahoma makes it difficult to grow because of how hot it gets. Culantro is a great alternative to cilantro that flourishes in heat and can handle as much sun as you give it. It has a bit more of a kick than traditional cilantro, but we are usually using it in Mexican dishes so we enjoy this extra kick! Culantro does not typically transplant well so it is best to do them from seed.

Sawflies blog post

How to Manage Sawflies Organically in Your Backyard Garden!

The sawfly larvae can be quite a nuisance for fruit trees and bushes. The flies (which look similar to wasps, but don’t sting) are hardly seen, but lay their eggs in the late spring in the leaves of trees. The larvae will then emerge in the summer looking similar to slugs. These can cause serious damage at this stage and take down an entire tree if left unchecked! Treatments Include: Adult sawflies can lay dormant […]

farm tour (2)

Join Us for a Private Tour of Our Garden on April 28th at 2:00 pm!

Come tour our backyard & see how we grow food for our family of 6! This tour will show you everything you need to know about how to grow food! You’ll learn how to transform a grass lawn into gardens economically and efficiently. You’ll also learn how to know what, when, and how to grow food using their free mobile app on iOS & Android. Topics also discussed will include composting, watering, rainwater collection, fertilization, […]