Worms blog post

How Worms Help Us Turn Kitchen Scraps Into Plant Gold!

Worms create tunnels in soil and eat organic matter which turns into worm castings that is an incredible compost for your plants! These tunnels allow oxygen to get to roots and increase the soil quality. We also have “composting worms” in both our outdoor and indoor worm bins that turn our kitchen scraps into plant gold! Worm “poop” is one of the best fertilizers you can use in your garden, and it also contains growth hormones for plants!

Beneficial Nematodes blog post

What the Nematode? How These Soil Dwellers Regulate the Underworld

Beneficial nematodes enter pests through the skin and once they are inside they release bacteria to kill the insect. These nematodes do not harm ladybugs, earthworms, or other beneficial insects and are harmless to plants and humans. Beneficial nematodes help to control countless pests including fire ants, flea beetles, cabbage root maggots, corn earworms, cucumber beetles, onion maggots, white grubs, cutworms, and wireworms.

Assassin Bugs blog post

Assassin Bugs: One of Your Garden Friends!

Assassin bugs are primarily gray or dark brownish in color, although some can be brightly colored. They are named appropriately as an ‘assassin’ because of their beak that stabs their prey to death. They primarily prey upon caterpillars, leafhoppers, aphids, and other harmful pests to your garden. Assassin bugs can also turn to attack some beneficial insects as well. They will also bite you if you try to handle them, but will generally leave you alone.


How We Eliminated Problems with Birds and Stray Cats in the Garden

Birds stole many of our seeds and cats were walking through our gardens at night. We solved both problems with 3 easy solutions: Hardware Mesh, Motion Activated Sprinkler, and Burlap Motion activated sprinkler in action   Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the way individuals approach gardening. His journey from a novice gardener to a leading advocate for sustainable living and mental wellness through gardening is a […]