harvesting onions

Harvesting Onions: When Are They Ready???

Onions are something that we like to grow a lot of! They are fantastic companion plants plus we use them all the time in the kitchen! In this video, learn more about how to know when to harvest your onions in the garden.

Onions are something that we like to grow a lot of! They are fantastic companion plants plus we use them all the time in the kitchen!

In this video, learn more about how to know when to harvest your onions in the garden.

Auto generated subtitles for video – text may be slightly off and grammar incorrect, but it’s better than nothing, right?! 🙂 

Hey everybody. It’s Carrie with seed to spoon I’m out here next to one of our beds that has some onions planted around it that are just about ready to harvest. So I thought I would take a quick video to show you how to know when onions are ready.

So first of all, it’s really important to know that really there is no right or wrong. You can harvest onions whenever you want to. So you can harvest them when they are small little bulbs, you can wait until they get huge. You can do whatever it is you want. Ultimately, what you’re looking for though, is that greenstock, that that was coming up on top of the onion is going to be falling over.

First of all, and the tops are going to be starting to turn brown. So once you notice that these are starting to die back and falling over, then you notice that your. Are ready to harvest. And also if you planted them right where you just barely put them in the top of that soil, you’ll be able to tell right away, because you’ll have most of that bulb sticking up over top of that soil, which is what you want to see.

So once you notice that these bulbs are a great size for you and that they are falling over on the top, you can go ahead and pull them out. And what we usually do is sometimes we come out here and just pull a couple at a time to bring in whenever we want them for inside. But once they are completely ready to go, we pull them all and then we store them in a dry.

Cool place. And you want to make sure to let them sit out of direct sunlight for a couple of weeks or so, and then they will store for awhile. So that’s really all there is to it. Um, one other thing I do try to do also is not water the day of, or the day before, just to make sure that the soil is loose and it’ll shake off easily off of the onion.

I mean, sometimes you can’t handle the nature, but I always try to hold off at least on hand watering and make sure. Soil is going to be as dry as possible. Whenever I go about harvesting them, it just makes it a lot easier. So that’s really all there is to knowing when to harvest onions. If you guys have any questions at all, please feel free to let me know, leave them in the comment section and I will get back with you.

Thank you so much for watching everybody and we’ll see on next time.

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