Root Maggots blog post

Garden Pests: How to Manage Root Maggots in Your Garden

There are many species of root maggots. Root maggots come from dark green-black fly that look like small houseflies. These flies lay their eggs in the roots of your plants. These maggots are very small, yellow-white larvae with pointed heads.
There are many species of root maggots. Root maggots come from dark green-black fly that look like small houseflies. These flies lay their eggs in the roots of your plants. These maggots are very small, yellow-white larvae with pointed heads. They feed upon the roots causing stunted growth, deformities, and could lead to death of the plant. Treatment can vary depending upon the type of fly that lays their eggs, but there are many organic ways to control all of these root maggots.

Treatment Options:

  • Creating a “collar” for the plant made from a toilet roll or paper towel roll can be beneficial as well to help keep the fly away from the base of the plant.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth over areas you want to protect. Be careful though: DE can harm beneficial insects as well if they come in contact with it.
  • Cover the plants with insect netting (floating row covers) from when they are babies. This will help to prevent them from becoming an issue!
  • Yellow sticky traps can also work to catch these flies so they cannot lay their eggs to become maggots.

Plants to Specifically Watch:

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