
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) Spring Garden Update

As I wrote about in an earlier post about why we started From Seed to Spoon, the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children garden is a very special project to us. I used to drive to myself crazy thinking and reading about the news and trying to keep up with everything going on the world. I gave all that up and now dedicate that time towards things like this website, our own gardens, and helping others grow food. […]


Update on Our “Three Sisters” Planting

The Native Americans planted corn, beans, and squash together as the “Three Sisters”. The corn grew tall and provided support for the beans. The beans grew up the corn, provided support, and fed the soil nitrogen. And lastly, the squash vines throughout the area, shaded the soil and prevented weeds from growing. We planted corn a few weeks ago and now it’s time to start the beans.  Previous video about this: 

Testing compost for herbicide

Testing Compost for Herbicide

Most of our tomatoes and many of our beans were severely damaged from herbicide poisoning last year. I used horse manure from horses that had eaten from fields sprayed with aminopyralid, a broad leaf herbicide that passes right through the horse and can stay in their manure for up to 3 years. I learned my lesson last year and this year I tested my compost first. See how I tested it and the results of […]