tomatoes & peppers

Peppers 🫑 & Tomatoes 🍅 NOT PRODUCING??? Here’s Why & How to FIX IT!

There are many reasons why your pepper and tomato plants may not be producing as much fruit as they were earlier in the season. Even something as simple as this extreme heat that we are experiencing right now could have a significant impact on them! Check out this video where Carrie goes over the common causes of your pepper and tomato plants not producing as much fruit and some solutions to help!

There are many reasons why your pepper and tomato plants may not be producing as much fruit as they were earlier in the season. Even something as simple as this extreme heat that we are experiencing right now could have a significant impact on them!

Check out this video where Carrie goes over the common causes of your pepper and tomato plants not producing as much fruit and some solutions to help!

Auto generated subtitles for video – text may be slightly off and grammar incorrect, but it’s better than nothing, right?! 🙂 

Hey everybody. It’s Carrie and Ellie with, from seed to spoon. We’ve gotten a lot of questions from people recently about peppers and tomatoes and why they aren’t producing as much as they were in the springtime. And as much as they’re used to just in normal. So I thought today I would address some of those concerns that people have.

So I will say, first of all, if you are experiencing a lack of peppers and tomatoes in your garden, right now, you are not alone because especially right here where we are, we are in zone seven and it is just super hot right now. We actually have like record high temperatures, right? At like we had 111 yesterday and it’s back up in hundreds again today.

So that’s why I’m making this video inside and not outside, but it is very hot out there. So I just wanna reassure you too, that whenever the temperatures go, real hot, like this. It is a natural response for your plant to not produce as much fruit. So it’s possibly gonna be even dropping the flowers and just not going to be giving you the fruit that you were in the springtime, when the temperatures were bless you.

Whenever the temperatures were a lot cooler and mild and not, not hundreds. so some things you can do to help ease your plant through this time, period is by doing things like maybe shade cloth, just giving it a little bit of some break in the afternoon sun, and you can try moving them around to you.

That’s one of the reasons why we love our smart pots so much is because we can move them around in this heat and we can get them some, get them some, relief from. Heat that we have also just making sure that you are providing even watering and not going overboard or forgetting about them. That’s important as well, because that can really affect the production of fruit also.

So that could be another factor in is if they are drying out too much during this heat and then you’re soaking them and then they’re just not getting even watering. So it’s really important to make sure that you stay on top of their watering and this heat. Usually we’re watering them at least every morning and going out and checking on them and making sure that they are getting enough water.

So if it’s not super hot in your area, and you’re still noticing that you are dropping flowers and not producing a lot of fruit, you can try by backing off on some fertilizers too. You might be having too much nitrogen in your soil, which is causing a super green, healthy plant, but not producing the fruit that you’re, that you would hope for.

That’s definitely a cause also. So you wanna look at the fertilizers that you’re using and maybe back off on some of the nitrogen. It could also be something as simple as a lack of pollination also in your garden. So making sure that you’re encouraging those beneficials into your garden, the bees, the butterflies, all of those in something as simple as.

Planting some flowers, intermixed, and herbs, those beneficial love herbs, and do as, as much as you can to try and bring some pollinators into your garden. And any of that will definitely help to improve the pollination, which will help to produce more fruit on your pepper and tomato plants. Well, thank you so much for watching today, guys, and I hope that you are staying.

Cool. Like we are inside and hopefully your pepper and tomato plants will be producing more fruit for you here. Soon. If it is the temperatures, it should be picking back up here. Once we start getting some more mild temperatures and you should be getting some more fruit, then thank you so much for watching everybody and we will see you next time.

Bye .

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One thought on “Peppers 🫑 & Tomatoes 🍅 NOT PRODUCING??? Here’s Why & How to FIX IT!

  1. Good video. My tomato plant hasn’t produced at all. Plant looks healthy. Can I pollinate it myself?

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