
Update on Lettuce, Cabbage & Cilantro, Planting Carrots, Beans, Peas, Lettuce

This is an update on our lettuce, cabbage, and cilantro planted 7/30/2017. We also plant another round of carrots, beans, peas, and lettuce!    Here’s a link to the seeding square we used to plant in the video:   Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the way individuals approach gardening. His journey from a novice gardener to a leading advocate for sustainable living and […]


Planting Brooklyn’s Fall Garden of Carrots, Yellow Beans, Green Beans, and Chives!

We built the kids a 3×3 flower bed when we first started and this year we gave them an additional 4×4 bed for veggies. Their spring bed didn’t do so well, but they’ve learned from their mistakes and are ready to start over with a fall bed of carrots, beans, and chives.

This video shows how we cleaned the bed out, added compost, and Brooklyn plants the entire bed by herself!


June 15, 2017 Late Spring Garden Update/Tour

We just got back from vacation and I wanted to record a quick update before harvesting our carrots, cabbage, broccoli, and onions. I also share some of the highlights of our vacation at the end! Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the way individuals approach gardening. His journey from a novice gardener to a leading advocate for sustainable living and mental wellness through […]


Spring Garden Update

This is a quick update and tour of our zone 7 urban Oklahoma backyard farm where we’re attempting to grow most of the vegetables for our family of 6!   Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the way individuals approach gardening. His journey from a novice gardener to a leading advocate for sustainable living and mental wellness through gardening is a source of […]

Planting Beans

Planting Bush Beans and Protecting Them from Insects

We moved out “raised beds on legs” over to the east side of the house so they’ll be shaded from the afternoon sun. We planted 4 rows of beans in each using the square foot gardening spacing of 9 per square foot. After planting them, we moved our PVC dome’s over and replaced the plastic sheeting with insect netting that’ll hopefully keep bugs out and provide a bit of a break from the sun as well. […]


Update on Our “Three Sisters” Planting

The Native Americans planted corn, beans, and squash together as the “Three Sisters”. The corn grew tall and provided support for the beans. The beans grew up the corn, provided support, and fed the soil nitrogen. And lastly, the squash vines throughout the area, shaded the soil and prevented weeds from growing. We planted corn a few weeks ago and now it’s time to start the beans.  Previous video about this:  Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is […]


Building a Living Wall to Shade Our Raised Beds from the Afternoon Sun

I built a “living wall” for the west side of my raised beds. I plan to grow beans, cucumbers, and other vining crops up the trellis to provide shade for everything in the bed during the afternoon heat. Click here to learn more about why we started using shade as an ally in the summer.   Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the […]