Sept App Update

App Update! Summer Dates, “Can Be Planted” Filter, New Plants & Pests & Lots More!

We’re really excited to bring you this update! You should notice a number of visual improvements throughout the app, as well as LOTS of new features and information! You can now also support our mission of improving the way food is grown by supporting us on Patreon! A monthly $1 donation from just 10% of our users would allow us to spend 100% of our time on building software that makes growing food simple!

A Sustainable Mind Podcast

Listen to Dale talk about Gardening, Anxiety, Mindfulness, From Seed to Spoon, & More on the “A Sustainable Mind” Podcast

I had the pleasure of joining Marjorie from the “A Sustainable Mind” podcast to chat a few weeks back. You can hear our conversation about what led to us growing food and why we built our app at the link below. We also talked quite a bit about anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and how the battle against them is all related to why grow food & help others do the same.


March, 2018 Update – Choose Your Own Freeze Dates for Customized Indoor Seed Starting and Outdoor Planting Dates in Our From Seed to Spoon Garden Planning Growing Guides Mobile App!

Our last update added customized indoor seed starting and outside planting dates based on your location. To calculate the dates, we used the most conservative estimate for the last freeze date from your closest weather station.

This update adds the ability to choose from 10 different freeze date options so you can tailor the planting dates to your liking!

Many times, planting dates can be accelerated if you’re able to provide your plants with some sort of protection during cold temperatures. Now you’re able to make that decision for yourself in the app!

blog post

March Update – Customized Planting Dates for Your GPS Location in Our From Seed to Spoon Garden Planning Growing Guides Mobile App!

This update adds many new and exciting features! Most notably, we will now use your location to provide you with customized dates for indoor seed starting and earliest outdoor planting based on data from your nearest weather station! We’ve also added a filter menu on the vegetables list that lets you filter down to specific seasons. Check out the rest of our new features and a video of the update in action below.

Valentines Header

The Best Valentine’s Day Present for a Gardener!

It took me a couple of tries, but I finally found the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day! Click on the video below to see what I got Carrie! Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the way individuals approach gardening. His journey from a novice gardener to a leading advocate for sustainable living and mental wellness through gardening is a source of inspiration to […]