
2018 OKC Home & Garden Show: What I Learned From Talking to People About Growing Food

We had a lot of fun at the OKC Home & Garden show last weekend! We went there to help spread the word about the app, to get kids interested in gardening, and to help inspire people to start growing food. I had A LOT of conversations about growing food and began to notice a common theme among the topics. I have this huge list of features I want to add to our mobile app but I’ve struggled to decide what to work on first. Last weekend clarified the biggest challenges facing new gardeners and helped me focus my attention on the most important problems. Here’s what I learned from talking to people for 30 hours straight this weekend about growing food and the challenges they face.

The From Seed to Spoon Garden Planner App Makes Growing Food Simple

Introducing the FREE From Seed to Spoon Garden Planning Growing Guides Mobile App for iOS, Android, and Any Web Browser!

Update: Check out everything we’ve added in the past year! Do you want to grow food, but you aren’t sure how? Have you tried growing food in the past, but never could keep track of what to plant, when to plant it, and how to take care of it? Did insects ruin your garden, and you weren’t sure what to do about it, or how to stop it without spraying poisons? If so, look no […]