Predatory Wasps blog post

Critters: How Predatory Trichogramma Wasps Help Manage Bad Bugs In Your Garden!

Predatory Trichogramma Wasps are tiny parasitic wasps that attack insects in your garden. Trichogramma wasps lay eggs into harmful insects (especially tomato hornworms!) for your garden and kill them before the insect kills your plant.
Predatory Trichogramma Wasps are tiny parasitic wasps that attack insects in your garden. Trichogramma wasps lay eggs into harmful insects (especially tomato hornworms!) for your garden and kill them before the insect kills your plant.

How to Attract or Encourage:

  • First off, make sure that you do not use any pesticides in your garden! This can harm your beneficials as well as your pests.
  • Attract predatory wasps by black-eyed Susan, caraway, clover, cosmos, dill, fennel, lavender, lemon balm, parsley, Queen Anne’s lace, sunflower, sweet alyssum, tansy, and yarrow.
  • Trichogramma wasp eggs can be purchased on Amazon. Release about 1 per 1 square foot of garden space.

Learn more about how to manage pests and attract beneficial insects in our FREE iOS, Android, and Universal Web App!




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